Saturday, July 13, 2013

the forces beneath the waves.

Waves. Crashing. Breaking the shoreline, again and again. Fierce, yet soft. Relentless, always rolling, crashing, again and again.

"We see the waves but not the deep currents to which they answer. Our eyes rest on results but not the forces beneath."

Water. One drop in the vast ocean. One ocean made of many drops. Time. Moment by moment to fill up a life. A lifetime filled with precious little moments. We are all swept along by the Rhythm of an ancient tide, that Relentless Rhythm...

And the drum beats on with the cry of a Warrior's heart, a zealous Lover, longing for His bride. With each wave of our lives, crashing in, washing out, He is faithful. He is there. He is moving amidst the deep currents beneath the surface, things which our eyes could never lay hold of or begin to understand.

Can we trust Him? Even in the change, even in the heartache, in the midst of storms or even when the sun shines and it seems all is well? Even, dare I say, in the mundane?

Change. We've had lots of that. We have been living in our new little townhome apartment in far north Dallas for 15 days now... A new home. And Edgar has completed his first two weeks of his job at Simpson Strong-Tie. A new job. We've begun visiting churches, waiting on the Lord to show us who our new church family will be. A new community. We just celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary (pictures of us re-declaring our vows to each other again and all in the link). A new year.

A completely new season.

The waves crash on and on, and the posture of our hearts that we choose is one of surrender, of letting the Voice that calmed with wind and waves orchestrate the deep currents beneath the crashing waves we feel all around us. We are but one precious drop in His vast ocean, and we choose to submit to the way He makes the water flow. And we embrace the new adventure He has called us into!

Not that surrender is easy, or comes naturally. In fact, it is death to lay down my desires, my comfort, my will. I've come to discover I have quite a strong will and a lot of opinions of how things should be. And sometimes I choose the posture of obedience even when my heart is wanting anything but that.
Speak kindly in return for hate?
Choose forgiveness when they were horrible?
Give generously when we are in need?
Humble myself when they were wrong too?
Trust when it seems like I should take over the reigns instead?
Yes, yes the answer in Him is always yes. And He gives grace. Because He is here, right here, living in our heart, our home, our neighborhood, empowering us through His Holy Spirit. And when we choose to mirror the yes in His heart with a yes in our hearts too, the result of what once felt like death springs forth and yields an abundant harvest of LIFE in our hearts.

"The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood." Oh, He is here friends.

We don't know what this new season will hold, what it will look like, how we will grow in it... But this we know: Jesus Christ is MORE than enough! He is our reward, and nothing less than Him will satisfy the hunger in our hearts. Everything we need is in Him. We choose to set our eyes not on the results but on the Force beneath the waves. Through every storm, through the crashing of the waves and trusting the Rhythm of Love in the deep currents beneath, we have decided to follow Jesus. And there is no turning back...