That's right ladies & gents, I just did something else I've never done before...!
Edgar and I had our nearly 3-hr home study with Generations Adoptions! And it was wonderful. We felt like it went great. Two case workers came to our home and asked us many personal questions about our childhood, our marriage, how we fight, who we are, how we think, etc. For those who know me well, you can imagine that I really enjoyed this experience. A chance to sit on the couch with my husband for 3 hrs and have somebody ask us introspective questions?! Yes please!
Having never had social workers come to my home before and do a home study, it was quite the new experience. But nothing outside of what we expected. We were thankful to feel heard and understood, to have any remaining questions answered, and to get one step further in the process of bringing our precious daughter home...
And so we continue to wait with earnest expectation, trusting the Lord for strength to endure this long season ahead of us. And we wait with joy, knowing the precious jewel that waits at the end of this season...!
:) she is precious! so worth the wait! cant wait for you to have her! :) excited that another hurdle has been jumped !:)